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Mentor w/Angelica


Mentoring is a powerful way to make profound shifts in your life & your consciousness while allowing yourself to be supported during the personal process of transformation. I am offering to hold s p a c e for those who are called to this offer and are ready to INVEST in themselves, and their growth, in order to create ground-breaking shifts in their lives.

I have personally mentored with many people I admire and it was some of the most powerful work I've done and, looking back, investing in my transformation was one of the greatest gifts I have given myself. I also realized that it was a way to COMMIT to my own personal growth and transformation while being fully supported, seen and heard by another. 

It's one thing to have a single amazing session with someone, but its an entirely different thing to be supported during an extended period of time in order to catalyze & accelerate  significant, rapid growth within yourself and shed the layers of resistance that are holding you in lack & limitation.

I am offering BOTH options now! Choose to commit to working with me for a 3 or 6 month period OR have the freedom to work 1:1 with me for shorter blocks of time at a smaller exchange. What would you like support with? What are you open to committing to? I am here to support you in bridging the gap!

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have regarding Personal 11:1 Mentorships!


The Fall/Winter Season is an optimal time of the year to commit to this type of transformation because the cyclical nature of our planet is deeply & profoundly supporting this type of introspection, naturally.

 The work you commit to for yourself has the potential to:


- Build a strong & resilient internal foundation

- Create a stronger Connection to your Higher Guidance

- Refine your intuition & other abilities

- Significantly increase your self-awareness

- S p a r k new creativity to ALIGN you to your Purpose

- Align you to your Highest Potential

- Release old beliefs that are keeping you playing small

- Work through resistances that disallow growth

- Create a new identity

- Give you the confidence and courage to commit to your DREAMS & Passion


Are you ready to I N V E S T in yourself?



*Payment plans available

*Contact me directly to pay through Venmo or CashApp




*1 hour 1:1 Mentoring Session 

Meeting through Zoom. Recording of your session available upon request.

Energy Exchange: $155



* 3 month Mentorship: 

Energy Exchange -$1999



* 6 Month Mentorship - (Accelerated Transformation):

 Energy Exchange $4999

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